Mayank was born in 1983, The difference between age of Mayank and the one who like black is 21 years. Meena age was sum of all the digits of birth year of the one who like black. The one who like Red is 5 years elder than Meena, Megha age was equal to the last two digit of the Birth year of the one who like Red. The difference between Ages of Megha and Mahipal was 24years Only one person were born before Megha. From this statement case 2a and case 2b is eliminated. The one who like Yellow born immediately before the one who like Blue.
The importers had ___________ that the IGST was being ____________ on them twice on the very same transaction by segregating portions of it.
Although his parents were worried, they did not try to dissuade [A] / assuage [B] him.
New Zealand’s iconic Yellow-eyed penguins may go ...
Select the most appropriate word for the given group of words.
Persons who rob ships
ENRAVISH - The classical dancer gave such a performance that enravished the audience.
Find the correct word.
Mr Adams faces the immense (A) challenge of pulling the city out of the pandemic (B) , taking office as the city is grapling (C) with record numbe...
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If no substitution is required, select ‘No substitutio...
Select the most appropriate word for the given group of words.
A small mischievous fairy
Ending a civil war-like conflict is more difficult to end than a conventional war, as it leaves many fostering [A]/ festering [B] wounds that prevent...
Today she employs (A) four workers and manufacturers (B) nearly one tonne of vermicompost-based planting mix, which is fortified (C) with cow man...