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Mayank was born in 1983, The difference between age of Mayank and the one who like black is 21 years. Meena age was sum of all the digits of birth year of the one who like black.
The one who like Red is 5 years elder than Meena, Megha age was equal to the last two digit of the Birth year of the one who like Red.
The difference between Ages of Megha and Mahipal was 24years
Only one person were born before Megha. From this statement case 2a and case 2b is eliminated. The one who like Yellow born immediately before the one who like Blue.
After dissolution of firm it’s goodwill can be:
Which section of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 lays down provisions relating to the responsibility of owners of motor vehicles for contravention of secti...
A preference shall be deemed to be given at a relevant time under the IBC if it is given to a related party, during the period of________________________
Under Section 18 of the SARFAESI Act, the amount to be deposited for appeal can be reduced to a minimum of …….
Which of the following foilowing section of Indian Partnership Act, 1932 is related with the expulsion of a partner ?
What is the limitation for filing suit for recovery of money?
Which of the following are the functions of the Central Authority as per the Legal Service Authorities Act?
What condition must be met for a transfer of a Government security to be considered valid as per the Government Securities Act?
What is the objective with which the Insurance Advisory Committee is established under section 25 of the IRDA Act?
The State Government appoints public prosecutor after consultation with …………