How many Pink does Aaryan have?
I. Aaryan has White in box I so Ajay has either Yellow or Pink in box I. II. The sum of the number of colour of Ajay in box I and II is more than that in the box I and II of Aaryan so the box I and II of Ajay can carry either 18 or 19 total colour. Hence the box I and II of Aaryan can carry either 10 or 9 colour. III. As we know that Ajay has 9 yellow os Ajay can have either 8 or 9 Pink and Varun can have 9 or 10 Yellow. Further we know that the number of Pink with Ajay is less than the number of Yellow with Varun. In the similar manner we can eliminate other same colour box number or colour number.
Seven boxes F, G, H, I, J, K and L, are placed one above the other. The bottommost box is numbered as 1 and the topmost box is numbered as 7. Both G and...
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Which of the following movies does Vanya like?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following one that does not belong to the group?
Who among the following person stays on flat no. 2 of floor no. 5?
Which among the following box is placed adjacent to Box T and Box Y?
Who among the following has born on 17th of August?
Which of the following box is kept immediately below box B?
Which carton is marked as fourth numbered carton?