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There are Only 3 persons lives above J. Only four persons are living between J and K. Only Three persons are living between A and O who lives adjacent to K. More than two but less than five persons are living between O and R.A lives adjacent to R. Three persons are living between A and the one who likes Banana fruit. The one who like apple fruit lives immediately below the one who likes Banana fruit.
Two persons are living between L and the one who like Apple fruit. R is not adjacent to L. Not more than ten person lives between L and K.O doesn’t like Banana fruit.
Case 1 (A), 2 A(2), CASE 2 (B) 1 are invalid because O doesn’t have banana fruit. In case 2(A) 1 there is no place for L. hence this case is also invalid. In case 2 (B) II is also invalid because Not more than ten person lives between L and K but in this case more than ten persons are between L and K. Therefore the final arrangement is
' तरणि तनूजा तट-तमाल तरूवर बहु छाए पंक्ति में प्रयुक्त ...
'वस्त्र' का पर्यायवाची______ है।
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निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में दिए गए शब्द के नीचे चार वाक्य...
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निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में दिए गए शब्द के समानार...
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गगन का अर्थ___________ है।