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Ten persons are standing in e queue facing north. Three persons stand between J and C. J stands behind C. C stands at one of the end. G stands next to J. Three persons stand between G and T. As many persons stand before G stand after W F=O (10000) >E (7000)> C = G= J (5000) < E = T (7000) < B (3000) < W = H (2000)
Find the square of 1232
Solve the following :-
If the average of two numbers is 13 and the square root of their product is 12, then the difference between the numbers is:
Find the square root of 0.0324.
Find the Square root of √17424
Find the Square root of √2116
Find the Square root of √14641
What is the square root of 5476?
Find the square of 572
A horse is tethered to a peg with a 28 metre long repeat the corner of a 45 metre long and 25 metre wide rectangular grassfield. What area of field does...