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Ten persons are standing in e queue facing north. Three persons stand between J and C. J stands behind C. C stands at one of the end. G stands next to J. Three persons stand between G and T. As many persons stand before G stand after W F=O (10000) >E (7000)> C = G= J (5000) < E = T (7000) < B (3000) < W = H (2000)
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has notified Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, ____
The total of the product cost plus the markup is:
Oligosaccharides which encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut are called:
In Physalis minima, modified papery calyx called _____ that encloses the fruit loosely with entrapped air is found which aids in seed dispersal.
Interveinal chlorosis with tints of red orange and purple colors are typical deficiency symptoms of__________
Irrigation is scheduled at IW /CPE ratio of 0.8 and the crop is irrigated to a depth of 5.0cm when the CPE is-
In the gravimetric process of soil moisture measurement, the soil oven dried at __ ?
What is the cause of the "Little leaf" disorder in cotton?
Leghaemoglobin is a pigment present in:
Green house technology is introduced in Indian during