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E born on the even number date but in the month having 31 days but not in January. Only one person born between E and G, who likes to Blue. G born before E. Only three persons born between H and the one who likes to Green. H born in the month having 30 days but not on the last day of the month. Now there will be two cases: H was born either on 5th February or 5th April and the one who likes to Green was born either on 5th April or 5th February. More than two persons born between G and F. So, F was born on 20th April. C and D born in the same month. D born on the even date. So, C and D were born on 5th January and 20th January respectively. Only two persons born between F and B, who likes to Orange. So, B was born on 5th March. Only one person born between the one who likes to Orange and the one who likes to Red. So, the one who likes to Red was born either on 5th February or 5th April. Only one person born between the one who likes to White and the one who likes to Green. Case 1 will get discarded as there is no month left for the one who likes to White. In case 2, the one who likes to White was born on 5th January. The one who likes to Pink born before the one who likes to Black but born after the one who likes to Yellow.
Final arrangement as shown below:
If G > T, H < R, R < T, H = M, M > N, then which of the following conclusions will not be correct?
Select the Venn diagram that best represents the relationship between the following classes.
Honesty, Banana, Virtue
Select the number from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ?
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOTE: Operations should be performed o...
Three of the following pairs of letters follow a certain rule/logic/relation and hence are alike in a certain way. Select the incongruous one from the g...
What will come in place of ‘?’ in the following equation, if ‘+’ and ‘–‘are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged?
<...A series is given with one term wrong. Select that wrong term from the given alternatives.
25, 27, 36, 51, 75, 110
Select the number that does NOT belong to the given number series.
39, 46, 60, 82, 109, 144
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the following words in a logical and meaningful order.
1. Lung
2. Kidney
<...Four of the following five figures are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Select the one that does NOT belong to that group.