E born on the even number date but in the month having 31 days but not in January. Only one person born between E and G, who likes to Blue. G born before E. Only three persons born between H and the one who likes to Green. H born in the month having 30 days but not on the last day of the month. Now there will be two cases: H was born either on 5th February or 5th April and the one who likes to Green was born either on 5th April or 5th February. More than two persons born between G and F. So, F was born on 20th April. C and D born in the same month. D born on the even date. So, C and D were born on 5th January and 20th January respectively. Only two persons born between F and B, who likes to Orange. So, B was born on 5th March. Only one person born between the one who likes to Orange and the one who likes to Red. So, the one who likes to Red was born either on 5th February or 5th April. Only one person born between the one who likes to White and the one who likes to Green. Case 1 will get discarded as there is no month left for the one who likes to White. In case 2, the one who likes to White was born on 5th January. The one who likes to Pink born before the one who likes to Black but born after the one who likes to Yellow. Final arrangement as shown below:
Election Commission of India has constituted a committee to bring about changes in the relevant laws in the context of rapid spread of social media....
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From which place do we get the evidence that the Yaudheya dynasty ruled Garhwal in the 3rd-4th century?
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