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Three persons visits between the one who visits Pune and A and both of them does not visit on first or last day of the week. B, she visits immediately before the one who visits Pune . G visits immediately after the one who visits Patna and she does not visit Jaipur . As many persons visit before G is same as after the one who visits Jaipur . G does not visiton last day of the week.
F visit immediately before his brother D visits . Only one person visits between F and the one who visits Delhi. The one who visits Delhi is not a female person. So, Case-2(b) will be dropped this is because the person who visits delhi is a male person we can’t fix Delhi for female candidates
The persons visit immediately before and after A are does not belong to the same gender. So, Case-1(b) will be dropped. More than two persons visit between C and the one who visits Ranchi.
A and the one who visits Varanasi belongs to the same gender. C does not visit Varanasi. The one who visits on last day and on the Tuesday are does not belong to the same gender. So, Case-2(a) will be dropped.
Where are Huka Falls located?
The name of which chemical element of group 1 was discovered in 1817 from the Greek word meaning stone?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates and lays the foundation stone of mechanization and industrialization projects worth Rs 3800 crores in which of ...
Which of the following is used to coat aircraft surfaces and metal cans to prevent rusting?
Which of the following layers contains ozone?
Who was famous for publishing a formula in 1827 that shows the mathematical relationship between current, resistance and voltage?
Sarayu river is a tributary of which river?
According to 2011 census, which districts of Rajasthan have recorded less than 100 density of population?
Which of the following is a cardiovascular disease related to the heart?