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Z live in flat P of either floor 2 or floor 4. I lives on a floor that is immediately above the floor of G. I and E live in the same type of flat. Z and X lives in same flat. There is one floor between the floors of I and E. So, I lives in either flat P or flat Q. Case 1: When Z lives on 2nd floor. G cannot be placed in this case, so this case is not possible.
Vasant says, “I have as many sisters as brother”. Vaishali say, “Each of us sisters has only half as many sisters as brothers”. Assuming that Va...
From the given option figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded, (rotation is NOT allowed)
Select the next number in the category.
43, 44, 48, 57, 73,?
Three different positions of the same dice are down. Select the number on the face opposite to the face showing ‘1’.
In a certain code language, '274' means 'you are fool', '137' means 'Rohan is fool', and '893' means 'Riya likes Rohan'.
Which of the following o...
In a certain code language, 'PLANT' is written as 'OJXJO'. How will 'FORTE' be written in that language?
In this question the connection between different elements has been shown in the statement.
After the statement two conclusions have been given.<...
What should come in place of '?' in the given series?
4 22 112 562 2812 ?
Who might be sitting between C and G, if there is only person between them?
Four of the following five are similar in a certain way, which creates a group.
Which of these is not related to this group?
Sorrow, S...