We have: Amit lives at a gap of four floor above the one who likes Iris, who neither lives floor marked 1 nor on floor marked 4, The one who likes ________ lives just below Amit’s floor at a gap of three floor from Mansi, lets says P lives just below Amit, Mansi neither likes Iris nor lives adjacent to vacant floor, that means in case (1) Mansi lives on floor marked 10 and the one who likes Iris lives on floor marked 2, in case (2) Mansi lives on floor marked 11 and the one who likes Iris lives on floor marked 3, Mansi lives on adjacent floor of the one who likes Orchid, that means in case (1a) the one who likes Orchid lives on floor marked 11, in case (1b) the one who likes Orchid lives on floor marked 9, in case (2) the one who likes Orchid lives on floor marked 10, One person lives between Aarti and the one who likes Orchid, as none of the adjacent floor is vacant, thus in case (1a) Aarti lives on floor marked 9, in case (1b) Aarti lives on top floor, in case (1c) Aarti lives on floor marked 6, in case (2) Aarti lives on floor marked 7.Based on above given information we have: Again, we have: Raman lives on even numbered floor at a gap of two floors below the one who likes ______, lets says Q, Raman neither lives on floor marked 2 nor lives on floor adjacent to Amit, that means Raman lives on floor marked 4. ______ lives just above Raman and likes Jasmine, lets says R likes Jasmine and lives on floor marked 5, Varun doesn’t like Iris., Varun likes ______ and lives at a gap of two person below the one who likes Jasmine, lets says Varun likes S, that means in case (1a), case (1b), case (1c) &and case 2 is subdivided into two further cases case 2a and case 2b .in case (2a) Varun lives on floor marked 1, in case (2b) Varun lives on floor marked 2. One person lives between Pooja and the one who likes Marigold, who neither lives on top floor nor adjacent to Sonu. Pooja lives on odd numbered floor at a gap of three floor from Ashish, who lives just above the one who likes lotus, that means in case (1b) Pooja lives on floor marked 9, in case (1c) Pooja lives on floor marked 9, and case (1a), case (2a) & case (2b) is not valid. Based on above given information we have: Case (1a), case (2a) & case (2b) are not valid as Pooja lives on odd numbered floor at a gap of three floor from Ashish. Again, we have: _______ lives just below the one who likes Lily, who lives at a gap of two person above the one who likes Tulip, that means in case (1b) & case (1c) Mansi lives just below the one who likes Lily, Sonu and the one who likes Rose lives on adjacent floor. At least four person lives between the one who likes Rose and Anil, who doesn’t like Lily, that means in case (1c) Sonu lives on floor marked 11 and case (1b) is not valid. As, only remaining flower is Daisy, thus the one who likes Daisy lives on floor marked 1. Based on above given information we have final arrangement as follow:
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Consider the following statements about
1. DNA: DNA refers to Deoxyribonucleic Acid
2. It is located in the ribosomes.
3. It...
What percentage could be withdrawn after 3 years under the National Pension System (NPS)?
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1. Myanmar
2. Malaysia
3. Thailand
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