
    Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: Four friends – A, C, Z and Y conduct seminars in 4 different slots – Morning, Pre-Noon, Afternoon and Evening in a week starting from Monday and ending on Thursday . Neither friend conducts more than 1 seminar in a day nor conducts a seminar more than once in same slot. A attends seminar in afternoon at last among his friends. Y conducts seminar in morning and pre-noon on Monday and Thursday respectively. Z is first among his friends to conduct seminar in afternoon. C conducted seminar in evening neither on Monday nor on Thursday. A attends 2 seminars consecutively (i.e one is conducted in last slot of the day and other one is conducted in the first slot of next day).Y does not attend seminar in afternoon on Tuesday.

    How many seminars are conducted between seminars of C in afternoon and her seminar in pre-noon?

    A None Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E More than 3 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    A attends seminar in afternoon at last among his friends. Y conducts seminar in morning and pre-noon on Monday and Thursday respectively.  Z is first among his friends to conduct seminar in afternoon Y does not attend seminar in afternoon on Tuesday. (so, Y must attend seminar in afternoon on Wednesday) and only place left for conduct seminar is evening, he must attend seminar in evening on Tuesday. We can see that Y and Z have attended seminar in Morning and afternoon respectively. C has attended seminar in evening on Wednesday (So, only possibility is A attending seminar in evening on Monday) and therefore, C must attend seminar in pre noon (left over place) on Monday. Therefore, we can clearly see that only Z has not attended seminar in evening yet. Therefore, Z will attend seminar in evening on Thursday. And C will attend the seminar in morning (only possible place) on Thursday.

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