The one who appears on 3rd Week March appears for test of IIT Meerut. T appears for the test of IIT Guwahati on 1st Week in the month having 30 days. (so, we get 2 possible cases here T appears in either April or June). Case-1 CASE-2
Only 4 persons can appear between the ones who are appearing for IIT Meerut and IIT Kanpur. 3 persons can appear for the test between T and U. Only 2 persons appear between Q and S. And S does not appear in April. (so, we get 2 possible sub cases for case 1). S appears for IIT Chennai. Case-1a
only 1 person appears for test of IIT Mumbai between R and W. (therefore, Case 1(a) and Case 1(b) gets eliminated as it does not satisfy the condition). W appears for the test of IIT Pune Only 3 persons appears between T and U Both Q and V appears on p same date. P appears for test of IIT Bangalore. One of the student appears for IIT Delhi.
When did the Simon Commission arrive in India?
Kanishka, belonged to the:
Which city is called as mini – Harappa?
Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated three floating BOPs (border outposts) in the riverine border areas of West Bengal. What are the names of the B...
Shahjahan is the successor of which of the following Mughal ruler?
In the global insurance industry, what is LIC's rank based on reserves according to a report by S&P Global Market Intelligence?
Consider the following statements:
(i) Haiderpur Wetland of Western Uttar Pradesh (UP) has been recognized as 47th Ramsar site in the country and...
Which of the following passes of Uttarakhand is located near the origin-point of the Kali river?
Disrespecting of National Flag is a violation of which of the following Fundamental Duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution?
Where is India's first Night Sky Reserve, proposed as the Dark Sky Reserve, located?