If Garima is related to January, Chaman is related to April. In the similar way, Ayushi is related to?
Person born in a month having odd number of days lives on odd numbered floor while person born in a month having even number of day lives on even numbered floor. (So, Persons born in January, March, July and August live on odd numbered floor while persons born in April, June and September live on even numbered floor). Garima was born in July. (So, must live on an odd floor). Only 2 persons live between Chaman and the one born in July. Case-1 Chaman was born neither in April nor in June. (So, must be born in September as lives on even numbered floor). Equal number of persons live between Garima and Chaman as that in Chaman and person born in August. (so, case 2 and case 3 gets eliminated here as it does not satisfy the condition). Case-1 Heena is an immediate neighbor of the person born in August. Equal number of floors is there between the floors on which person born in January and March lives as there are months in January and March according to calendar. (So, there must be 1 floor between persons who were born in January and March). Only 1 person lives between Vikas and Rahul also vikas was born neither in January nor in August. Case-1 Poonam was born after April. (So, case 4 gets eliminated here). Therefore,
What is the seed rate of hybrid cotton with a spacing of 120 × 60 cm?
National Institute of Agriculture Marketing (NIAM) is located at
What is the potential consequence of over irrigation?
What is the pf value of saturated soil and oven dry soil?
A form of expression of quantity of water required for irrigation to bring a crop maturity is called ______.
Agroforestry system that involves the deliberate introduction of woody perennials, especially those of fodder value, for food production, soil conservat...
Match Lis I with List II
Choose the correct answer f...
Which of the following is known as fertilizer tree?
In artificial insemination
Which of the following is the largest compartment in a ruminant animal?