Rajesh lives on an odd numbered floor above floor no 3. (So, either floor no. 5 or floor no. 7). Case-1 3 persons live between Rajesh and Sagar. Sagar has White. Shivam lives immediately above Prashant,who lives on an odd numbered floor. Shivam does not live on the top most floor. Shivam is married to Kajal. The one having Pinklives immediately below Kajal. Case-1 case-2 Anita has Red. Only 1 person lives between Sanjay and Pawan also Sanjay does not live on the top most floor. (So, Sanjay must live on floor numbered 6). Sanjay is married to Pooja. Ashish lives on an odd numbered floor. Jyoti lives 2 floors below Ashish. (So, Jyoti lives on Floor numbered 5). Jyoti has Black. The one having Green lives immediately below the person having Black. Ashish is not married to Nisha. Nisha has Blue. (So, only possibility is Nisha lives on floor numbered 2). Sanjay does not have Yellow. (So, only possibility is Sanjay has Orange). Ashish is married to neither Geeta nor Sarita. (So, only possibility is Ashish being married to Avni). Sagar is not married to Geeta. (So, only possibility is Sarita being married to Sagar). After filling the remaining data we get,
As per the Competition Act any agreement entered into by any enterprise or person in respect of production, supply, distribution, storage, acquisition o...
Transfer of property act_____________________
No association or partnership consisting of more than ________persons shall be formed for the purpose of carrying on any business, unless it is register...
What is the Time period for making an appeal to the High Court if a person is aggrieved by the decision of the Appellate Tribunal under the Information ...
According to Section 2(g) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 'judgment' means _______.
Where should a suit be filed according to the provisions of CPC?
A owes Rs 60,000 to B. Before clearing his liability, A dies leaving behind an estate worth Rs 40,000. In this case, A’s legal representatives are lia...
What is e-commerce?
In which of the following cases it was held that the limitation act does not apply to quasi-judicial bodies?
A for natural love and affection promises to give his son B Rs 100000/- A puts his promise to 'B' in to writing and register it. This is a: