Box of Cherry is placed at bottom. Only 2 boxes are kept between box of Cherry and Grapes. Box T contains Grapes. Box containing mango is placed adjacent to box of Grapes. (so, we get 2 possible cases here). Case-1 CASE-2 Only 2 boxes are kept between Q and T. Q is placed above E. Number of boxes kept between Q and R is same that of boxes kept between Q and S. Q is not kept adjacent to R. R is placed above S. There are atmost 5 boxes between T and R. It is also given that R is kept above Papaya box. (so, case 2(B) gets eliminated as if we place box R above Papaya , there will be more than 5 boxes between T and R, which can not be possible). Case-2a1 Therefore, no place for S, so Case 2(A.1) gets eliminated. Case-2a2
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