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The one, who auctioned Puma, auctioned on any day after Friday, that means we have two possible day for the one who auctioned Puma, in case (1) the one who auctioned Puma, auctioned on Saturday, in case (2) the one who auctioned Puma, auctioned on Sunday. There were two days gap between the one, who have Toyota and U who auctioned Puma. Z auctioned Adidas on Tuesday. There were two days gap between Z and the one who has Mahindra. The one, who auctioned Woodland, auctioned on adjacent day of the one who has Mahindra, that means we have three possible day for the one who auctioned Woodland, in case (1) & case (2a) the one who auctioned Woodland auctioned on Thursday, in case (2b) the one who auctioned Woodland auctioned on Saturday. Based on above given information we have- We have: X neither auctioned on adjacent day of the one has Toyota nor on adjacent day of U. One person auctioned between the one who auctioned Reebok and X, who has Honda, that means X auctioned on Monday. There were three days gap between the one who has Volvo and the one who auctioned Reebok. T neither has Volvo nor he auctioned before the one who auctioned Woodland and he auctioned Liberty. There were two days gap between T and the one who auctioned Ford, who auctioned on adjacent day of the one who has Toyota, that means case (2b) is not valid, in case (1) T auctioned on Friday, in case (2a) T auctioned on Saturday. Based on above given information we have:
Case (2b) is not valid as T doesn’t like before the one who auctioned Woodland. Again, we have: The one who has BMW and W auctioned on adjacent days. There were three days gap between W and the one who auctioned Nike, that means in case (1) W auctioned on Wednesday, in case (2) W auctioned on Friday. Neither W nor Y auctioned Nike, that means in case (1) Y auctioned Woodland. At least three person auctioned between the one, who auctioned Levis and the one, who has Renault, that means case (2a) is not valid. Based on above given information we have final arrangement we have:
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Who sits second to the right of Z?
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How many persons sitting between I and H?
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Which of the following combinations is incorrect?
If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order with respect to A in clockwise direction, then how many persons remain unchanged in their posit...
Five products, K, L, M, N and O, are placed in a row facing towards the east (not necessarily in the same order). M is second to the left of U. K is sec...
How many persons sit to the left of S?
Which of the following pair sits in the extreme end?