W was born on 12th of the month which has 30days. Two people were born between W and S.S does not like any colour(it means S not born on the month which has 30 days) Number of people was born after P as before S are same Q likes Pink. Two people were born between P and Z.X does not like any Flower (it means X born on even number of days of month) One person was born between R and one who likes Pink
No person was born between Q and one who likes Lily flower. P does not like Lily flower. The ones who like Rose flower and Lily were born on same month.
Case-2 was eliminated as P is not like Lily Two people were born between W and one who likes Sunflower flower. One person was born between the ones who like Red and Lotus flower. Number of persons was born between the ones who like Blue and Lotus flower is two Final arrangements
`(13.022)^(2)+ (42.93)^(2)-(53.125)^(2)+(192.33xx14.88)=?- (88.44)^(2)- (42.03 xx 23.12)`
20.11% of 119.99 + √80.97 ÷ 3.02 = ?
256.12 ÷ 7.92 + 26.11 × 7.82 – 44.09 = ?2
[(2/3 of 899.79) + 25% of 500.21] × (√195.77 + 30.03% of 399.79) = ?
(108.999)² - (102.001)²=?
(289.89 + 59.98) X 2.25 = ? X 49.66
159.98% of 4820 + 90.33% of 2840 = ? + 114.99% of 1980
2√574 + 19.956% of 1449.978 = ?% of 628.08