X who likes Green lives to the immediate west of R who likes Yellow and lives in Flat-3 of Floor-1. T and P lives in the same flat which is Flat-3. Note: Here we get one more case. Number of Flats towards west of T is equal to the number of flats towards east of V, but in different floors. Note: Here we get one more possibility from each case. Thus 4 we have total cases U does not live on Floor-2 but lives to the East of the one who likes Red who does not live in an even numbered flat. W does not like Red and lives one of the extreme west flat. Note: U must live on Flat-2 of Floor-3 (only possibility in all cases). Also we get only possibility for W in each case, except case-2 The one who likes Blue colour and S lives in the same flat. Q lives northwest of S Note: Case-2 gets rejected since Q lives northwest of S is not possible. The one who likes Orange lives to the immediate west of the one who likes Grey and T likes White. Persons like Orange colour and Black colour lives in the same flat and W does not like Black colour. The one who likes Pink doesn’t live in topmost floor Note: T likes White as given. Finally P likes Pink in case-1-a Case-1 gets rejected since W doesn’t like Black Case-2-a gets rejected since the one who likes Pink doesn’t live in topmost floor Final arrangement
Pithiness in radish arises due to _____
Choke throat in banana is due to _____
Bending is guava is done to favour:
Turmeric is generally propagated by
Sinduri is variety of -
What is the main coloring principle in turmeric?
Which fruit is also known as "Poor man orange" ?
Whip tail of Broccoli is caused by deficiency of___
Pusa Pragati is an important variety of
Which of the following parameter is not included in the Soil health card?