X who likes Green lives to the immediate west of R who likes Yellow and lives in Flat-3 of Floor-1. T and P lives in the same flat which is Flat-3. Note: Here we get one more case. Number of Flats towards west of T is equal to the number of flats towards east of V, but in different floors. Note: Here we get one more possibility from each case. Thus 4 we have total cases U does not live on Floor-2 but lives to the East of the one who likes Red who does not live in an even numbered flat. W does not like Red and lives one of the extreme west flat. Note: U must live on Flat-2 of Floor-3 (only possibility in all cases). Also we get only possibility for W in each case, except case-2 The one who likes Blue colour and S lives in the same flat. Q lives northwest of S Note: Case-2 gets rejected since Q lives northwest of S is not possible. The one who likes Orange lives to the immediate west of the one who likes Grey and T likes White. Persons like Orange colour and Black colour lives in the same flat and W does not like Black colour. The one who likes Pink doesn’t live in topmost floor Note: T likes White as given. Finally P likes Pink in case-1-a Case-1 gets rejected since W doesn’t like Black Case-2-a gets rejected since the one who likes Pink doesn’t live in topmost floor Final arrangement
Any rupee note, which has a political slogan is not a legal tender as per.
Match the following:
A) IMPS P) Fund transfer
B) NDS (Negotiated Dealing system) Q) Transfer of govt benefits
C) UPI R) Virtual Pay...
Which of the following is true?
I. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) is a central or apex institution for financing agricultu...
The latest entry in the Private sector bank is
Which of the following is the regulator of the credit rating agencies in India?
What is true about the teaser loan rates charged by banks?
Which committee was established to form Nabard?
Which of the following state tops the list in sales of electric vehicles across all segments which have availed of the FAME II subsidy?
Which of the following rates signals the RBI’s long-term outlook on interest rates?
India Post Payment Bank became the __________ payment bank of India.