Three persons attends the exams between the one who attends Quantitative exam and A and both of them does not attend the exam on first or last day of the week. E, she attends the exam immediately before the one who attends Quantitative exam. W attends the exam immediately after the one who attends the General awareness exam and she does not attend the Agriculture exam. As many persons attend the exams before W is same as after the one who attends the Agriculture exam. W does not attend the exam on last day of the week. K attend the exam immediately before his brother M attends the exam. Only one person attends the exam between K and the one who attends Reasoning exam. The one who attends the Reasoning exam is not a female person. So, Case-2(b) will be dropped this is because the person who attends reasoning is a male person we can’t fix reasoning for female candidates. The persons attend the exams immediately before and after A are does not belong to the same gender. So, Case-1(b) will be dropped. More than two persons attend the exams between F and the one who attends the Computer exam. A and the one who attends Hindi exam belongs to the same gender. F does not attend the Hindi exam. The one who attends the exam on last day and on the Tuesday are does not belong to the same gender. So, Case-2(a) will be dropped. So final arrangement-
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