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A was born after 1982 but before 1986. Three persons were born between A and the one who likes Puma Shoes. More than four persons were born between the one who likes Puma Shoes and the one who likes Levis. The one who likes Levis is neither born in 1986 nor in 1988.
E was born immediately before the one who likes Woodland The one who likes Adidas was born immediately after C.
F neither likes Adidas nor likes Levis. Neither B nor F likes Fila Shoes G does not like Levis. G is not the eldest. Neither F nor H likes Puma .
By “Neither F nor H likes Puma” This statements Neither B nor F likes Fila shoes Neither G nor A likes Nike. Final arrangement
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सूची I को सूची II से सुमेलित कीजिए और सूचियों के नीचे दिए गए क...
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