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D was not born in odd numbered year. There are two persons born between D and the one who wears Titan. Only one person born between B and the one who wears Titan, who was not born in the year 1964. The sum of the ages of B and the one who wears Omega is equal to perfect square of a number.
The person who wears Noise shirt born immediately before F Age of the one who wears Casio is not a prime number but born in one of the months before the one who wears Citizen
As many persons born between A and the one who wears Timex is same as the persons born after The one who wears Citizen C and the one who wears Tissot are born in Different month. A was born immediately after F.
More than two persons born between H and one who wears Tissot. H does not like Timex. Final arrangement
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