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I who likes Green lives to the immediate west of C who likes Yellow and lives in Flat-3 of Floor-1. E and A lives in the same flat which is Flat-3. Note: Here we get one more case.
Number of Flats towards west of E is equal to the number of flats towards east of G, but in different floors. Note: Here we get one more possibility from each case. Thus 4 we have total cases
The one who likes Blue colour and D lives in the same flat. B lives northwest of D Note: Case-2 gets rejected since B lives northwest of D is not possible.
The one who likes Orange lives to the immediate west of the one who likes Grey and E likes White. Persons like Orange colour and Black colour lives in the same flat and H does not like Black colour. The one who likes Pink doesn’t live in topmost floor Note: E likes White as given. Finally A likes Pink in case-1-A, Case-1 gets rejected since H doesn’t like Black Case-2-A gets rejected since the one who likes Pink doesn’t live in topmost floor Final arrangement
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How many section and chapters are there in the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988?
An acceptor or indorser of negotiable instrument is bound by his acceptance or indorsement
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