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T lives on one of the floor below Q, but does not live on the lowermost floor. There are three persons between Q and T. Only one person live between Q and the one who likes Cricket. P lives immediately above U and does not like Cricket. The one who likes Golf lives on one of the odd-numbered floor below U. We will get four cases -
Only two persons live between V and the one who likes Cricket. The one who like Hockey lives immediately above V, who does not like Golf. For this case 2, will be rejected. The one who likes Badminton lives on one of the even numbered floor above the one who likes Cricket. S lives on one of the floors above R. Only one person lives between the one who likes Tennis and the one who likes Football. S does not like Tennis. V does not like Kabaddi. Case 1, gets invalid here. Case 1.a, gets invalid as V doesn’t like Golf.
Thus the final arrangement is - Case 2.a-
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