D is celebrated on Thursday. The Tech Mahindra celebrates after D. C is celebrating a festival two days before the one who is working in Tech Mahindra. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. Only two persons are between the one who works in Infosys and C. The one who works in IBM celebrates on Monday. B works in Wipro but not celebrates on consecutive day of C. F neither celebrates after C nor Monday. E is celebrated after C. Neither E nor A is working in Tech Mahindra. HCL celebrated two days before TCS. The one who works in L&T does not celebrate on Wednesday. From the above condition, case 1 gets eliminated. Case 2 shows the final arrangement
Mulberry fruit is:
Marketers of successful 21st-century brands must excel at ________ the design and implementation of marketing activities and programs to build, measure,...
What method of propagation is commonly used in pineapple cultivation?
Goblet cells-are not present in which part of respiratory tract?
Silkworm spp. that undergoes one generation in one year, are termed as
Which of the following is not matched correctly in context with the growth stages in wheat crop?
…………. are formed from deposits of pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organism that accumulate on the Earth's surface.
Water logging in soil favors production of
Green manure crop, which produces nodules, both on stem and roots is
Celery belongs to family