D is celebrated on Thursday. The Tech Mahindra celebrates after D. C is celebrating a festival two days before the one who is working in Tech Mahindra. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. Only two persons are between the one who works in Infosys and C. The one who works in IBM celebrates on Monday. B works in Wipro but not celebrates on consecutive day of C. F neither celebrates after C nor Monday. E is celebrated after C. Neither E nor A is working in Tech Mahindra. HCL celebrated two days before TCS. The one who works in L&T does not celebrate on Wednesday. From the above condition, case 1 gets eliminated. Case 2 shows the final arrangement
A shopkeeper purchased an item for Rs. 1,500. He increased the price by 20% over its cost price and then sold the item after offe...
A’ and ‘B’ entered into a partnership by investing Rs. 9000 and Rs. 5200, respectively. If ‘A’ invested his sum for only 4...
The marked price of an article is Rs 1500. A shopkeeper sells it by giving 20% discount on its marked price. If the cost price of the article is Rs 991....
A shopkeeper increases the price of an article by 40% and then provides a 25% discount on the marked-up price. If the final selling price of the article...
A, B and C enter into a partnership, A invest 6X + 15000, B invest 3X + 1000 and C invest X + 8000 for one year if B share is 4000 from total profit of ...
The CP of 53 stickers is equal to SP of 50 stickers. Find the gain percent.
A shopkeeper offers a 10% discount on an article and still manages to earn a 12% profit. If the marked price of the article is Rs. 2800, calculate the ...
Ramesh sets the price of an item at 36% above its cost price. If he raises the discount offered from 12% to 18%, his profit decre...
A man sells two pipes at 12 each. He gains 20% on one and loses 20% on the other. In the whole transaction, there is
A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 25%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for 63 more, he would have gained 20%. Find the pro...