D is celebrated on Thursday. The Tech Mahindra celebrates after D. C is celebrating a festival two days before the one who is working in Tech Mahindra. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. Only two persons are between the one who works in Infosys and C. The one who works in IBM celebrates on Monday. B works in Wipro but not celebrates on consecutive day of C. F neither celebrates after C nor Monday. E is celebrated after C. Neither E nor A is working in Tech Mahindra. HCL celebrated two days before TCS. The one who works in L&T does not celebrate on Wednesday. From the above condition, case 1 gets eliminated. Case 2 shows the final arrangement
Who is the father of natural farming?
The branch of biology developed to study chromosomes and its application in genetics is known as:
Wart disease of potato is caused by _____
Inflorescence of sunflower is _____
Rubber research institute is established at
Grubs of Holotrichia consanguinea feed on
The unit of Cation exchange capacity is
Growing of two or more crops simultaneously intermingled without any specific row pattern is known as:
The crop growing season in dry land farming ranges from ____to___
Lichens, the pioneer organisms that initiate ecological succession are actually a symbiotic association of