Only two boxes are kept between D and G where G is placed above D. Only one person sits between E and D. Here we get two cases, Case 1 and Case 2. Case-1 case-2 Box F is three places above G. No box is placed above F.
Only three boxes are placed between A and I, and A is not an immediate neighbor of D.
H is placed immediately above E. Box C is kept at third position either from top or bottom. Here Case 1 gets eliminated and the final arrangement is,
Some Bangles are Bracelets.
All chains are Rings.
Some Bracelets are Chains.
(I) Some Ba...
Only a few solutions is answer.
None of the answer is reason.
No reason is an application.
Find which one of the given words can be made from the letters of the given word.
...Who sits adjacent to N?
I) The one who faces G
II) The one who faces S
III) The one who faces E
46 boys are standing in a row facing the North. Ram is 14th from the left and Vikrant is 29th from the right end of the row. How f...
How many persons live between L and K?
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term and the sixth term is related to the...
'A $ B' means 'A is the parent of B'. A # B' means 'A is the brother of B'. 'A @ B' means 'A is the grandfather of B'. 'A & B' means 'A is the son of B'...
Some bricks are metals.
All metals are shiny.
No shiny thing can float.
(I) Some metals ...
In a certain code language, ‘OBLIGATE’ is coded as ‘QNAKICVG’. What is the code for ‘DOCUMENT’ in the same code language?