We have, Only two persons live between the one who likes grapes and E, who lives above the third floor. D lives immediately below the one who likes grapes. From this condition, there are two possibilities Again we have, The one who likes banana lives two floors above D.A lives three floors above the one who likes mango. A doesn’t like banana. Again we have, No one lives between the one who likes papaya and watermelon. Only three persons live between B and the one who likes watermelon. The one, who likes mango, lives on the adjacent floor of C. From the above condition, case 1 gets eliminated. hence, case 2 shows the final arrangement.
Nothing is an offence which is done
Which of the following section of CPC gives inherent power to civil court?
What is dacoity?
What condition must be met for a transfer of a Government security to be considered valid as per the Government Securities Act?
Ejusdem generis is___
A is sentenced to a fine of five hundred rupees and to four months' imprisonment in default of payment. He has completed 50 days of imprisonment and the...
The period of Limitation within which dependent shall submit his written statement is ordinarily within:
According to the Insurance Act when Administrator for management of insurance business may be appointed by the Authority?
The Court has power to issue Commission for what purpose?
Under Section 2(m) of the Limitation Act, how is "tort" defined?