O has started on April 17. M has started the business on even numbered date after O. Only one person is starting the business between M and N. From the above condition, there are three possibilities. P has started two persons before D. D has started on an odd numbered date. C does not start on an even numbered date. A is starting the business on either November or April. The number of persons starting between B and C is same as between N and D. From the above condition, case1 and case3 get eliminated. Case2 shows the final arrangement.
Which of these are glass container closure types?
1. Lug caps
2. Roll on caps
3. Continuous thread closures
4. T-top closures
Which of the following microorganism is eliminated in canned foods?
The chemical name of vitamin B6 is
Which of the following steps are not involved in glass container making?
Water activity is an indicator of the availability of:
What are the signs and symptoms of Fluorosis?
1. Genu valgum disease
2. Mottled Teeth
3. Lathyrism
4. Conjunctival Xerosis
Propionic acid and its salts are used in ______ making.
Saccharolytic bacteria hydrolyze polysaccharides to:
A process uses gases like CO2 at high pressure to extract food components known as
a) Solvent extraction
b) Supercritical...
Which of the following statement is not true with regard to tetra pack carton packages.