O has started on April 17. M has started the business on even numbered date after O. Only one person is starting the business between M and N. From the above condition, there are three possibilities. P has started two persons before D. D has started on an odd numbered date. C does not start on an even numbered date. A is starting the business on either November or April. The number of persons starting between B and C is same as between N and D. From the above condition, case1 and case3 get eliminated. Case2 shows the final arrangement.
Where are ethical standards typically based?
How many independent directors should be there in a listed company?
What is the maximum percentage of the original project cost that NBFCs can fund for other cost overruns (excluding Interest During Construction) without...
Creating a hierarchy of command based on a rational-legal authority structure refers to which management theory?
As per the RBI’s revised instructions on Commercial Papers (CPs), what is the maximum tenor allowed for a CP?
The capital of a sole trader would change as a result :
When was NABARD established?
Which institution or entity is custodian of Country’s foreign exchange reserve ?
In the Lead Bank Scheme circular, which committee’s recommendations were instrumental in the introduction of the Lead Bank Scheme?
Which of the following has the right to sell an asset at a predetermined price ?