P is a Pharmacist and practices in Lucknow. S practices in Rampur but is not a Doctor or an Artist. V is a Teacher and does not practice in Noida or Dehradun. T is a Lawyer and practices in Kanpur. U practices in Dehradun but is not an artist. R practices in Noida. The one who practices in Delhi is a Manager. Q is practicing in Delhi. V is a Teacher, V practices in Jaipur Professions left to be allotted Doctor, Engineer and Artist. S isn’t doctor & artist, S is an Engineer. U is a Doctor because he can’t be an artist, R is an artist.
The marks scored by a boy in three subjects are in the ratio 4 : 5 : 3. Boy scored an overall aggregate of 80% in the exam. If the maximum marks in each...
Rajeev spends 30% of his monthly income on cloths and food and 20% of remaining on rent and saves the remaining amount. If he saves Rs 17920 per month, ...
Pokemon's expenditure exceeds his savings by 40%. He allocates 30% of his total expenditure towards rent, which amounts to Rs. 2100. Calculate Pokemon's...
A gave 50% of amount to B. B gave 20% of amount received from A to C. If amount received by C from B is Rs.186, then find the amount received by B from A.
A Salesman is allowed 18% commission on the total sales made by him and a bonus of 1% on the sales over Rs. 40000. If the total earning of a salesman is...
The income of ‘A’ increases by 10% every year. If his income 2 years hence from now will be Rs. 39930, then find his income a year before from now.<...
Ajay spent 35% of his monthly income on rent and 48% of the remaining on food and the rest amount is saved by him which is Rs. 2873, then find the month...
A person saves 22% of his monthly income. If his monthly is increased by 45% and he still saves the same amount as before then find percentage increase ...
If x is 80% of y, then what percent of 2x is y?
The income of ‘A’ increases by 28% every year. If the present income of ‘A’ is Rs. 40960 and his expenditure 2 years ago from now was Rs. 12000,...