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P is a Pharmacist and practices in Lucknow. S practices in Rampur but is not a Doctor or an Artist. V is a Teacher and does not practice in Noida or Dehradun. T is a Lawyer and practices in Kanpur.
U practices in Dehradun but is not an artist. R practices in Noida. The one who practices in Delhi is a Manager. Q is practicing in Delhi. V is a Teacher, V practices in Jaipur
Professions left to be allotted Doctor, Engineer and Artist. S isn’t doctor & artist, S is an Engineer. U is a Doctor because he can’t be an artist, R is an artist.
1 2 6 ...
105 107 111 114 ? 127
15 12 ? 9 21 6
...Complete the series choosing the missing number.
8, 13, 20, ____, 40.
11, 9, 15, 41 ,157, 789
625, 5, 125, 25, 25, ? , 5
43 36 50 29 ? 22
...D irection: Which of the following will replace ‘?’ in the following series
460, 462, ‘?’, 467.5, 470.97
...95 186 376 748 1500 ?
...53 ? 55 49 57 47