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P is a Pharmacist and practices in Lucknow. S practices in Rampur but is not a Doctor or an Artist. V is a Teacher and does not practice in Noida or Dehradun. T is a Lawyer and practices in Kanpur.
U practices in Dehradun but is not an artist. R practices in Noida. The one who practices in Delhi is a Manager. Q is practicing in Delhi. V is a Teacher, V practices in Jaipur
Professions left to be allotted Doctor, Engineer and Artist. S isn’t doctor & artist, S is an Engineer. U is a Doctor because he can’t be an artist, R is an artist.
Which of the following are public documents as per the Evidence Act?
In which article of Indian constitution the legal maxim Nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadem causa has been added?
Winding up of an LLP:
Where should the payment be applied in case the debt to be discharged is not indicated as per the provisions laid down under the Contract Act?
What can the Central Government do regarding the Employees' Provident Fund?
As per section 76 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 any computer, computer system, floppies, compact disks, tape drives or any other accessories r...
Who is considered a "complainant" under the Consumer Protection Act?
Is there any condition restraining alienation in Transfer of Property Act?
The members of the committee of creditors may meet ______________
Generally rights and obligations of the company are regulated in