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P is a Pharmacist and practices in Lucknow. S practices in Rampur but is not a Doctor or an Artist. V is a Teacher and does not practice in Noida or Dehradun. T is a Lawyer and practices in Kanpur.
U practices in Dehradun but is not an artist. R practices in Noida. The one who practices in Delhi is a Manager. Q is practicing in Delhi. V is a Teacher, V practices in Jaipur
Professions left to be allotted Doctor, Engineer and Artist. S isn’t doctor & artist, S is an Engineer. U is a Doctor because he can’t be an artist, R is an artist.
The Advocate-General for the State is appointed by __________________
Where immoveable property of one person is by act of parties or operation of law made security for the payment of money to another, and the transaction ...
Which section of the Indian Evidence Act states that admission may n estop?
A civil court has power to issue a commission in case of____.
Return of plaint can be done __________
Which section of the IPC delas with limit of solitary confinement?
A company shall have its first annual general meeting, held within a period of ______________ from the date of closing of the first financial year of th...
Under limitation Act applicant includes:
According to Code 88 of the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020, if an offence is committed by a company, who can also be deem...
Appointment of Judges of the Supreme Court is made by?