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P is a Pharmacist and practices in Lucknow. S practices in Rampur but is not a Doctor or an Artist. V is a Teacher and does not practice in Noida or Dehradun. T is a Lawyer and practices in Kanpur.
U practices in Dehradun but is not an artist. R practices in Noida. The one who practices in Delhi is a Manager. Q is practicing in Delhi. V is a Teacher, V practices in Jaipur
Professions left to be allotted Doctor, Engineer and Artist. S isn’t doctor & artist, S is an Engineer. U is a Doctor because he can’t be an artist, R is an artist.
The group of seven comprised /of leading democratic industrial nations, /have long looked past its prime/ as they forged a common front on issues of co...
In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate opti...
Directions : In the following question, a sentence is given, divided into 5 parts. Part (E) is grammatically correct. Out of the other four parts, one ...
The Supreme Court has done (A)/ three weeks to the state government to (B)/ be respondent to its directive and (C)/ file an affidavit citing all the de...
While the government (A)/ has took some steps in the realm (B)/ of women’s rights, its dealings (C)/ with dissent are the same as (D)/ those of an...
Find the appropriate ERROR
I had to (A)/call for (B)/all my strength (C)/to finish the marathon (D).
Some of the passive defences are actually integral to vernacular practices and will serve everyone well. It is essential to study the efficacy o...
In the question given below, a sentence is given, divided into parts. One of the parts may contain an error. Identify the part that contains the error,...
Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains the grammatical error.
Why should always we have to wait for her to join us?