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There are two floors between the floors of J and G (both of them may or may not live in the same type of flat). J lives south west of B. J lives on first floor. F lives 2 floors above B (both live in the same type of flat). D lives immediately above H, who doesn’t live below anywhere B’s floor. So, G must live above J’s floor either in flat A or B. Both F and B live in flat B. Case 1: When G lives in the flat B. Case 2(a): When both G and J live in the same flat and J lives on 1st floor. H doesn’t live below B’s floor, so this case is not possible.
A lives above D’s floor but not in flat A. E doesn’t live in a prime numbered floor. C doesn’t live immediately above B. So, A lives in on 5th floor in flat B. Case 2(b): When both G and J live in the same flat and J live on 1st floor. The final arrangement is as follows:
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