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We have, A works junior to Assistant general manager. Only two persons are designated between A and D. From the above condition, there are three possibilities. Again we have, The number of persons working senior to D is same as the number of persons working junior to B. From the above condition, case3 gets eliminated.
Only one person is designated between B and F. As many persons designated between B and D is same as between C and G. G is senior to C who does not work as an Assistant general manager. From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated.
Case1 shows the final arrangement.
How many steps are required to rearrange the given input?
If the 13th step of an input is ‘he beats the old record of nine hours’, which of the following would be its step VII?
...Which of the following will be step III of the above input?
Input for Qs. 6 - 10: 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11
How ma...
In which step the elements “38 82 automobile” found in the same order?
How many steps will be required to complete the arrangement?
Which of the following is the last step for the following input?
Input: 26 12 68 36 46 87 9
What is the position of “20” from the right end in the last step?
If the entry code for Batch C on 6th May, 2017 was “this morning noticed that one of the plants on”, then what was the entry code for ...
Which of the following would be at the 6th position from the right in Step III?