We have, A works junior to Assistant general manager. Only two persons are designated between A and D. From the above condition, there are three possibilities. Again we have, The number of persons working senior to D is same as the number of persons working junior to B. From the above condition, case3 gets eliminated. Only one person is designated between B and F. As many persons designated between B and D is same as between C and G. G is senior to C who does not work as an Assistant general manager. From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.
संशोधन के लिए लिए सही पारिभाषिक शब्द है
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Sacked के लिए सही हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द है
The ninth ministerial conference of the WTO was held in Bali, Indonesia.
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