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W lives on an odd numbered floor above floor numbered 4. (so, there are 2 possible cases- either W lives on floor numbered 5 or 7). The no of floors above W are equal to number of floors between W and U. Only 3 floors are between U and Asus. Only 2 floors are between Asus and HP. (so, we get another possible cases here). Case 1(a):
The one who likes HP lives immediate above Apple. There is one floor between W and lenovo. And it is also given that one who likes Lenovo lives somewhere below floor numbered 4. Floor immediately above one who likes Lenovo is vacant. (so, case 2 gets eliminated here). Case 1(a):
3 people live between 2 vacant floors and vacant floors are even numbered floors. (so, case 1(a) gets eliminated here as it does not satisfy the condition).
T lives immediately above the one who likes Xiaomi. X lives immediately below the one who likes Dell. Only 3 floors are between X and S.
S has more than 3 books. And S has not 6 books. It is also given that U has more books than S. Difference between U and S books is equal to number of books V has.
T has more books than X and difference between books of T and X is equal to books that W is having. X does not have 4 books.
Which is not true for Mycorrhizae Fungi?
Mulches generally minimize
Which of the following plants is an example of a biennial?
Durgapura Kesar is an important cultivator of:
Stevenson screen is used along with an instrument for obtaining an accurate result. Which instrument?
The level of toxicity of Dhatura plant on the basis of increasing level is :
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Arka Jyoti is variety of:
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At what Brix reading on a refractometer is sugarcane considered mature?