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As given, all positive information A is going to attend conference in US in Friday. The one who attends conference in Japan goes in Friday. C and D are going in Wednesday. E is going to attend conference in China in Monday. Only one minister attends conference in Monday. So, only E is going to attend the conference in Monday. Negative information; C is not going to attend conference in Bhutan. The one who attends conference in Bhutan does not go in Sunday. Neither B nor F goes to Bhutan. . F does not go in Japan. F does not attend conference in Friday. G attends conference in Sunday and does not attend conference in France.
The minister going for a conference in Bhutan does not go in the day of Sunday. Persons who goes in Bhutan and Russia are going in the same day and Persons who attends conferences in France and Brazil are also going in the same day. C and D are going for a conference in the same day in Wednesday. They are going to Russia and Bhutan respectively. Only day left for France and Brazil is Sunday and the minsters who are going there are F and G resp. Only person left who is going to japan is B. Thus we come to a final arrangement;
Which of the following is used as a substitute for mercury in thermometers?
When silicon is doped with gallium, what type of semiconductor is formed?
Which instrument is specifically designed to measure extremely high temperatures?
By what year does India aim to achieve debris-free space missions as declared by ISRO?
Vegetables cook faster when a pinch of salt is added while boiling. This demonstrates the concept of __________.
Who coined the term ‘zeroth law of thermodynamics’ in 1931?
Consider the following statements aboutAnnual Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit:
1. China is hosting the Annual...
Which set only includes biodegradable items?
What is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere.
How often do ocean tides occur in a single day due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon?