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There is a gap of two days between the exam of Hindi and the exam of English which is held after the exam of the former subject but not on the last day of the week. As per this statement, there are four possible cases and the arrangement will look like this: Case-1 Exam of Maths held immediately before the exam of English. As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this Case-1
There is a gap of more than a day between the exam of Maths and the exam of GA which is not held before the exam of Hindi. As per this statement, CASE I will further get split into one more case and CASE III get eliminated and we will continue with CASE I and CASE II and the arrangement will look like this:
No exam held between the exam of Computer and the exam of GA. No holiday between GA and Computer. As per this statement, CASE I will further get split into one more case and the arrangement will look like this:
Neither Thursday nor Sunday is a holiday. There are three exams held in between the exam of Reasoning and the exam of Computer. As per these statements, CASE I, CASE I (A) and CASE I (B) will get eliminated and we will continue with CASE II and the final arrangement will look like this: Case-2
The sum of three consecutive natural numbers each divisible by 4, is 240. The largest among them is
How is the return on debentures determined?
P and Q together started a business with initial investment in the ratio of 1:11, respectively. The time-period of investment for P and Q is in the rati...
When the annual Union Budget is not passed by the Lok Sabha,
X scored 40% marks in an exam whereas Y scored 320 marks in the same exam. If the score of Y is 160 marks more than that of X, then find the maximum mar...
Which of the following best defines social security?
Rainbow is produced when sunlight falls on drops of rain. Which of the following physical phenomena are responsible for this?
(1) Dispersion
In a competitive exam, the minimum passing score is set at 250 marks. A candidate secures 200 marks and is said to have failed by 10% of the total marks...
The subject "Social Security and insurance, employment and unemployment" is listed under which of the following?