
    Study the following information carefully and answer the questions below: A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven friends and they have Birthday in seven different days of week (Starting from Sunday and ending on Saturday) but not in the same order. A has a Birthday on the day which starts from the same letter as the day on which F has a Birthday starts from the letter. F birthday does not starts with S. Only one person has a Birthday between F and D. G has a Birthday immediately before C who has her Birthday neither on Wednesday nor on Friday. Less than two person has Birthday between the birthday of G and the Birthday of E. B has neither a Birthday immediately after the Birthday of F nor has a Birthday on Friday.

    Which of the following combination are not

    A Wednesday-E Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Sunday-D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Friday-G Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Tuesday- F Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Saturday- A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    STEP I: A has a Birthday on the day which starts from the same letter as the day on which F has a Birthday starts from the letter. F birthday does not starts with S. As per this statement, there are two possible cases and the arrangement will look like this: Case-1 Case-2 STEPII:  Only one person has a birthday between F and D. As per this statement,the arrangement will look like this: STEP III: G has a Birthday immediately before C who has her Birthday neither on Wednesday nor on Friday. As per this statement, the arrangement will look like this: STEP IV: Less than two persons has birthday between the birthday of G and the Birthday of E. As per this statement, CASE I will get eliminated and we will continue with CASE II and the arrangement will look like this: STEP V: B has neither a birthday immediately after the birthday of F nor has a birthday on Friday. As per this statement, the final arrangement will look like this:

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