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The number of boxes kept above the Box K is the same as that of below the Box K. Box K is kept at an odd numbered shelf. Only one box is kept between K and H which is kept at even numbered shelf. From the above condition, there is only one possibility Box F is adjacent to Box H.
Box I is kept on an odd numbered shelf. Box I is not kept below the vacant shelf.
The number of boxes kept between the box G and F is same as the number of boxes kept between F and J. G’s shelf number is a multiple of 2. From the above condition, case1 was dropped. Case-2 shows the final arrangement.
For the holistic development of tribal groups, PM launched ____ a Rs 24,000 crore Initiative
Which one of the following defines differential moisture content at given suction during wetting and drying?
Which branch of agriculture deals with principles and practices of soil, water and crop management?
Which cost refers to the additional cost incurred by producing one additional unit of output?
Which of the following are included in PM Kisan?
Asexual fruiting bodies of anthracnose fungi are
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: After application of urea in soil, ...
Goblet cells-are not present in which part of respiratory tract?
The receptor of abscisic acid is present in
Monocotyledons flowers do not have distinct sepals or petals. The combined petals and sepals found in them are called