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Only three persons play match after person V. Person U plays match just before Person T. Person T plays match in a month having 30 days. Two persons play match between person U and person P. V will play in the month of April. If T will play in the month of June, then U will play in the U will play in the month of May. P will play in the month of February. Person Q does not play match before person V. Person R play match before person P. Q will play in the month of July. R will play in the month of January.
One should click ___________ in order to move from one worksheet to another in MS-Excel workbook.
If all the letters in the word ‘LEAVING’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first followed by...
Select the combination of letter that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.
J _ L _ N J K _ M _ _ ...
How many 8’s are there in the above series which are immediately followed by a prime number?
In the given series, if all the consonants are removed, then which element is ninth from the right end?
In a certain code language ‘ SMART ’ is written as ‘ RLBQS ’ and ‘ TEACH ’ is written as ‘ SFBBG ’. How is ‘ LIPID ’ written in that...
In the given arrangement, how many such numbers are there which are immediately succeeded by a letter?
The term ‘toast’ is related to _______________.
Select the letter cluster that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
Arrange the given words in a meaningful and logical sequence.
1- Hospital
2- Happiness
3- Hobby
4- Horse
5- Horizon