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A belongs to the Finance department and he visits the same city as that of G. G doesn’t visit Kolkata or Mumbai. So, he visits either Delhi or Bangalore. G doesn’t belong to the Finance, Marketing or Human Resources department. So, he belongs to Sales department.
C visits Delhi and belongs to Human Resource department. Given, two persons visit same destination. So, A and G should travel to Bangalore.
B and G belongs to the same department. So, B belongs to Sales department.
F visits Mumbai and he doesn’t belongs to Sales and Marketing department. So, he belongs to either Human Resources or Finance.
The two persons who belong to Marketing department visit Kolkata. D doesn’t belong to the Marketing department. Therefore, E and H belong to Marketing department and visit Kolkata.
The person who belongs to the Finance department other than A visits Delhi. So, F belongs Human Resources. Therefore, D belongs to Finance and visits Delhi. B travel to Mumbai. The final arrangement will be as shown:
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