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The person who likes White go immediately before N. More than three persons go between N and O, who likes Red. O does not go on Tuesday. Two persons go between the one who likes White and the one who likes Yellow. There will be two cases: If the person who likes White go on Monday, then N will go on Tuesday and O will go on Sunday. If the person who likes White go on Friday, then N will go on Saturday and O will go on Monday. Equal number of persons goes before and after I, who likes Pink. It means I goes on Thursday. But case 1 will get discarded as I likes Pink.
As many persons go between J and I as many between I and N. M who likes Orange goes before K who likes Black. L does not like Green. We know that only one person goes between I and N. So, J will go on Tuesday. M and K will go on Wednesday and Sunday respectively. Only colour left for N is Green and only person left for the one who goes on Friday is L. Final arrangement as shown below:
Which of the following risks is borne by the entrepreneur:
Who introduced the term intrapreneur:
Which of these statements best describes the context for entrepreneurship:
The slogan “innovate or evaporate” was given by __
The process of evaluating the project ideas with a view to select the best and promising idea after eliminating the unprofitable ideas is called __ of t...
Vendor sends credit note to purchaser on
Which of these is not a environmental barrier to entrepreneurship
The entrepreneur who does not change the method of production already introduced is:
Which ethical theory focuses on the consequences of actions to determine their morality?
An entrepreneur can get a lot of quality information about competitors from _____