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We have, A Participates in the month which has an even number of days. A participates two persons after the one who likes Raipur. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. F participates in the odd number date but after A. D participates three persons before the one who participates immediately after the one who likes Pune. D does not participate in an even numbered date. A does not like Pune. From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated.
The one who likes Delhi participates immediately before C. E likes neither Raipur nor punjab. The one who likes Punjab participated in the same month as E. Neither D nor E likes Ranchi. From the above condition, case1a gets eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.
`[(7.99)^2 - (13.001)^2 + (4.01)^3]^2=` ?
14.742 ÷ 24.98 × 15.76 = ?% of 359.88
(51.99² - 19.05² )÷ ? = 14.11² - 140.33
620.15 + 1279.98 + ? × (4.79)2 = 149.95% of 1600.14
30.05% of 250.05 – 15.15% of 99.99 × 2.02 = ?
(√1157 + 10.15% of 159.89) × 4.85 + 150.25 = ? × 19.67
1587.9 + 9650.98 + 10612.8 =?3 - 2536.67
(√899.69 + 49.83% of 640.24)² - (7/8 of 479.79) = ?