We have, A Participates in the month which has an even number of days. A participates two persons after the one who likes Raipur. From the above condition, there are two possibilities. F participates in the odd number date but after A. D participates three persons before the one who participates immediately after the one who likes Pune. D does not participate in an even numbered date. A does not like Pune. From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated. The one who likes Delhi participates immediately before C. E likes neither Raipur nor punjab. The one who likes Punjab participated in the same month as E. Neither D nor E likes Ranchi. From the above condition, case1a gets eliminated. Case1 shows the final arrangement.
If “J#K^P%R#O”, then How O is related to J?
If ‘A % B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’, ‘A & B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’, and ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the son of B’, then how i...
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are from two generations and four married couple. V and T are married couples. P is father in law of U, who is s...
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father-in- law's son's son". How the father of the boy related to Priyanka?
In equation ‘S & V % T + K * U’, how is K related to S?
How is E related to F?
How many females members are there in the second generation?
How is W related to the sibling of S?
How is P related to S?
How is P related to N if L is a female?