Shweta is 65kg & she is 15kg more heavier than Paran. Shazia is 3kg less than Paran. Shweta 65 kg> Paran 50kg > Shazia 47 kg Paran is 5kg less than Mehak & 10kg less than Krida. Shweta 65 kg> Krida 60 kg > Mehak 55 kg> Paran 50 kg> Shazia 47 kg Krida is 2nd heaviest among them.
Quantity I: A shopkeeper bought an article for Rs. 3000 and marked its price up by 50%. He then gave two successive discounts of 10% and ‘x’%, makin...
A man is standing 30 meters away from the foot of a tree. The angle of elevation from his eyes to the top of the tree is 60 degrees. Find the height of ...
A company has 600 employees. It plans to increase its workforce by 15% in the next year. Additionally, due to a reorganization, 10% of the current emplo...
(√196 + √121) × 4 = ?/2
What is the mean of the following data given below:
A factory produces three types of products, X, Y, and Z. The average production of product X over 5 days is 120 units per day. The average production of...
The radius of a circle is 14 cm, and the angle subtended by a sector at the center of the circle is 120°. Find the area of the sector.
A shopkeeper marks up his goods by 25% and gives a discount of 10% on the marked price. If the cost price of the goods is ₹800, find the selling price.
In Microsoft Excel, what does the function VLOOKUP do?
Quantity I: The time taken by a bike to cross a tunnel and a bridge is 36 seconds and 30 seconds, respectively. If the length of the tunnel exceeds the ...