
    There are seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V, who have

    different heights. U is taller than only two persons. R is taller than U and S but not the tallest. P is shorter than only one person. T is shorter than S but not the shortest. If the tallest one is not V then who among the following is the tallest?
    A T Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B R Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C U Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Q Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Explanation: As U is taller than only two persons. ___        ___       ___       ___       U            ___          ___ P is shorter than only one person. ___        P           ___       ___       ___        ___          ___ By combining both the above statements- T is shorter than S but not the shortest.  R is taller than U and S but not the tallest. V/ Q      P           R            S           U            T            V/ Q      

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